
Showing posts from June, 2018

New Introduction

          Hi there! I'm Jamie I'm 23 I enjoy traveling, writing, meeting new people and practicing Feench and Russian. My dream job is to be a travel writer and maybe even develop some apps! I have so many ideas for some travel companies as well that o would hopfully like to share. Currently I work as a cashier at a foodmarket. My goal for this "New old blog is to post about traveling and travel writing. I have had some posts on here already that I had deleted because I feel like theu were just scratched out and probably didn't make much sense and also no one seemed interested. So hopefully in the near future I can put out a little more interesting content for you guys. Feel free to drop a comment and let me know what you want to see! Thanks again hope you liked this post more to come! P.S. I'm still a beginner at this. This is my only online blog so far. If you guys have any suggestions on anything I'm posting please.feel free to let me know! All feedback